Regulatory Function

Regulatory Function

In this section you find:

  1. Town Planning

This is land use planning, zoning, development control and special development. Shurugwi Town Council has an operative master plan, comprising all surrounding farms within 10km radius, to be incorporated into its jurisdiction for expansion.

Major issues

  • Preservation of natural resources, monuments and buildings of historical value.
  • Development control, guards against illegal developments, illegal land use and illegal operations.
  • Traffic control and management within the locality, to easy pressure and creation of orderly.
  • Project plan and management.
  • Land use development include vertical development especially commercial use, e.g. the three-story shopping mall under construction.

2. Environmental Management


The mission for Shurugwi Town Council Environmental Health Department is: To prevent ill-health among the population of Shurugwi through community education and regulatory mechanism, to promote a healthy living and working environment, and to safeguard community health and quality of life.


The Council is committed to uphold the following values:

  • the promotion of public health
  • to safeguard quality of life
  • the preservation of the environment
  • commitment to partnerships and networking
  • a belief in quality of service
  • a belief in integrity and creativity
  • a belief in transparency

3. Shurugwi Town Council is responsible for monitoring and controlling illegal tree cutting and unauthorised mining.

The Council is responsible for environmental protection policy which includes tree planting projects.

Functions/Services provided:

  1. Premises inspections

Shurugwi Town Council Health inspector, inspect schools, hospitals, mines, factories, trading premises and other public institutions to ensure that standards of hygiene are maintained and that public health regulations are complied with. Advice is also given to communities on construction of improved housing.

      2. Food Quality Monitoring

All food for sale to the public is inspected and the premises where it will be sold is also inspected.

iii. Health and Hygiene Promotion

Through the use of participatory and other health education techniques Shurugwi Council counsel members of the public and influence voluntary change to positive behaviour, attitudes and practices on health issues. In this regard the unit provides education on disease prevention, nutrition, food hygiene and safety, personal and general hygiene, and on waste.

4.Loss control

   Shurugwi Town Council Police play a very crucial role in ensuring that the town is safe . some of their major roles are:

  1. Enforcing by-laws
  2. safe keeping of council property
  3. to ensure that they is no corruption on council
  4. to ensure council employees utilise work time.
  5. By Laws
  6. Budget